The attachment to their land and its traditions is shown in the province of Como and Lecco in the festivals and recurrences that follow one another during the year.
From the ancient carnival of Schignano , to the historical re-enactment of medieval Como , until the typical festival of Saint Giovanni .
There are many fireworks festivals, that recall battles of medieval memory, as the lake festival of Gravedona .
And then many town-festivals, that welcome the tourists, in a happy and funny atmosphere.
Sagra di San Giovanni
The tradition was born of a legendary apparition of Saint John as a pilgrim in 1435. Every year on the Sunday immediately following the day of St. John, the peoples of the surrounding lands on the island bring the relics of the martyrs, who now stay ...
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Pesa Vègia - Bellano
La più tipica delle manifestazioni bellanesi: la rievocazione storica in costume riporta all'epoca della dominazione spagnola, cui si aggiungono, in un'originale commistione, il presepe vivente, il falò sul lungolago e il corteo dei Re Magi nella not ...
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Barche allegoriche - Gravedona
A Gravedona ogni 14 agosto si evoca la vittoria dei gravedonesi e degli isolani sul Barbarossa con la festa del Lago con la suggestiva sfilata di barche allegoriche illuminate.
Da oltre 50 anni è consuetudine per i vari rioni del pa ...
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Carnival of Schignano
The most important event of this small village is the carnival. And 'one of the most famous and interesting in the Como area, has ancient origins and is characterized by the contrast, without being in contact, mutual indifference, the Beautiful, that ...
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