• Dervio lago di Como


The town of Dervio is situated at the bottom of Valvarrone under the shade of Mount Legnoncino. It is divided into two parts, by the homonymous torrent which over the centuries has flowed down the mountain and formed a vast and verdant plain before flowing into the lake with its large delta.

As in other parts of the area, remains of sepulchral tools dating back to Gallo-Roman civilization have been found. During medieval times the Parish of Dervio was one of the vastest on the whole east bank including many centres: along the lake side as far as Dorio and into the valley as far as Tremenico.

Today it is a characteristic town, a busy centre of craftwork and of small metallurgical, ceramic, paper and feldspar industries; it also has a nautical yard. Umbrellas are produced in the town of Dervio.
The town is divided into four hamlets, the old fishing area of Borgo, the higher and more panoramic Villa, Castello where the remains of a 14th century tower and signs of other more ancient towers can still be seen, and Corenno Plinio.
Corenno is one of the most characteristic towns on the lake and its name comes from Plinio the Old who is known to have loved this small hamlet. Besides the remains of the castle, Corenno has beautiful baroque houses and, in the square, three late 14th century marble tombs containing the remains of the Andreani Counts.

The mountains which surround Dervio offer many opportunities to go for excursions and walks like those which take to the mountain refuges of Bellano at 1,100 mt and Bogara. Also Mounts Legnoncino and Legnone are frequent destinations of walkers.

Dervio lac de Come Dervio lake Como Dervio comer see 



See also:

 • Gravedona »
 • Domaso »
 • Dongo »
 • Colico »
 • Pianello del Lario »
 • Musso »
 • Cremia »
 • Gera Lario - Sorico »
 • San Siro »
 • Pian di Spagna »

lake Como tourism
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